Constitutional Law (McCandless)

Course Number
LAW 1460
Course Description

This first year course provides an introduction to Canadian constitutional law, examining the division of powers, Aboriginal and treaty rights under s. 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, and the rights guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Teaching Method

Combination of lectures and discussion questions focused on assigned readings.


1. Two multiple choice quizzes worth 10% of your final mark (each worth 5%).
2. An open book mid-term exam worth 30% of your final mark, to be held during the December exam period.
3. An op-ed piece of no more than 800 words on a Charter issue, worth 10% of your final mark.
4. An open book final exam worth 50% of your final mark, to be held during the April exam period.

Course Materials

• Canadian Constitutional Law, 6th ed., edited by Mathen & Macklem, (Toronto: Emond, 2022)
• Supplemental material (posted on the course page).
